How do I upload multiple photos for individual listings via FTP?

Modified on Thu, 12 Oct, 2023 at 11:41 AM

You can upload multiple photos to individual listings by FTP.  Please let us know what file naming convention you will be using in advance. We'll need to set up your account to process those images correctly. Note that your image file names still have to match your inventory numbers exactly in order to get them assigned to the correct books.

When uploading multiple images to individual listings, the file name will also include an indication of which images are second, third, etc. 

Here's an example of the most common file naming convention, for book inventory number 123:

first image 123.jpg

    second image 123_1.jpg


    third image 123_2.jpg

    We can also work with files named like this:

    first image 123.jpg

    second image 123_2.jpg

    third image 123_3.jpg

We will do our best to work with the file naming convention a bookseller wants to send, including some custom naming conventions that booksellers have set up to work with their own websites.

Drop us an email at [email protected], or use the Contact Support link in your BiblioDirect menu, and let us know what system you are using to name your image files. We will customize your account to handle the image naming conventions that you are already using.