Leaving Feedback on BIBLIO

Modified on Thu, 21 Sep, 2023 at 11:30 AM

Good or Bad, We Want Your Feedback

You can leave feedback a bunch of different ways, both publicly and privately.

TIP: You can always leave private feedback through your customer account by going to your order history and clicking 'leave feedback'. That will go straight to us and the bookseller.

We'll Reach Out After Every Order

We want to make sure you had a great experience with us. So we'll give you a few weeks to receive your order, and then we'll check in with a follow-up email to make sure you received everything in good order as expected.

Have a Problem? Let us Know!

We're here to help, and we guarantee you'll always be able to reach a real human being. Tell us what you need, and we'll do all we can.

Send Us a Message